Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What is genre?

Heres my summary about todays lesson on genres.  15 step by radiohead

A genre is simply put a catagory or a section of media text such as romance action or adventure.

A genre convention are things commonly associsated with the genres for example a western genre's genre convention maybe cowboys.

The song is an alternative and indie peice this genre is known for having more irregular techniques and instruments not commonly used in mainstream music and this song clearly follows it it features 5/4 timing a syncopated drumming or multple drum loops put atop one another creating iregularity or an offbeat feeling. Though the beat and guitarline feels blissful and even has samples of children cheering though it is subverted with dark lyrics about death, disillusionment and deception.

Audiences of this song maybe for people whom like irregular music that dosent follow the form of "basic" pop music. Music critics and music enthusiast may find this song intresting and its subversations turn into a potent discussion. In terms of demographic its music video is presented in a japanese cartoon similar to works such as samchan or even doraemon which may make it attractive to children  though its subject matter dosent reflect that so this song may be best suited for teenageers to young and midlife adults from 16 - 40.

Monday, July 29, 2024


 This is my research for the ad project

Target audience:

This advertisment appeals to or targets adventure tourist such as backpackers or adventureres from the age of 20-30 as the advertisment promently protrays a handsome young male travelling to various locations around the word such as the taj mahal and the louvre. In terms of psycographics it appeals to bold adventourus people looking for a good time. 

How is this audience ussualy targetted?

This type of adverterous tourist audienced is ussualy targeted by featuring built and natural attractions which is explored by the actors whom are protraying as the audience so they audience can see themselfves in the actors.

Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?

For the most part it did conform to typical advertisement expectations as it features destinations in a good light but unlike other travel advertisements this features a multitude of diffrent destinations rather then focusing on one single destination and or attraction.

What images were used to apeal to the target audience?

They showed images of picturesque attractions which can entise viewers to want to visit and experience it for themselves. It also appeals to various intrest such as parties or concerts and well as sports events as it shows the handsome young male chearing in joy whilst at the event.

What sounds/ music were used to appeal to the target audience?

The advertisement features an upbeat and exciting piano foward music, which emphasises the enjoyment and excitement one might get from travelling. They also featured sounds from the destinations such as pigeons chirping and wheats being rattled which again shows what can be done whilst visiting the destination.

what people were shown?

The advertisement primarily features handsome young male which is reflective of the target audience. It also features local people of each destinations which helps immerse the audience. 

What message was presented in the advert?

By featuring the many destinations the message can be deduced to be that we shouldn't be afraid to travel and see the world as it has many beautiful destinations and alot of things to learn and experience from it.

Target audience and How are they targeted?

This advertisements targets westerners with the slogan "very nice" which is an iconic quote from the movie Borat which is about Kazachstan and very popular amongst people is the west especially americans. It also apeals to people whom are advertureses and nature lovers as it features the beatiful landscape and terrain of Kazachstan. It also features the local cuisine and culture of people which may appeal to culture tourist and people whom want to expand their world knowlege and experience new cultures.

What images were used to apeal to the target audience?

It firstly features beatiful mountains and forests which apeals to adventurers hickers and nature loving tourist. It also features beatiful cities with a mix of old and new architechture which may appeals to architechs and subverts the expectation that Kazachstan is a poor empty country. It also features a local market filled with local food which may appeal to people whom seak a culinary adventure. There is also a couple whom takes a picture with people wearing traditional clothing which again can appeal to culture tourist.

Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?

This advertisement mostly conforms to the expectation of a travel advertisment and it features the destination of Kazachstan in a good light with upbeat music and a positive message.  Although audiences may be surpised that the slogan of the advertisment campaign was from a comedy that was actively critisized by the kazachstani goverment.

What sounds/ music were used to appeal to the target audience?

The advertisement features upbeat happy music that attracts the tourist as they associate it with happiness. The foreigners also sound shocked when they visit Kazachstan this maybe due to the foreign expectation that Kazachstan is a poor and unintresting country so this subverts their expectation and exposes them to the beauty of Kazachstan basically saying that you'll be surprised at how amazing it is.

What people were shown?

The advertisement features shocked tourist of various age groups from older gentlement to young couples creating unforgetable memories. It also features welcoming local people sharing their beautiful culture and wearing their traditional clothing.

What message was presented in the advert?

Kazachstan has many things to offer from beatiful landscapes, rich culture and eyecatching architecture that defys the expectation that Kazachstan is poor and empty country. So it can be simplified to Kazachstan will surprise you.

Target audience and How are they targeted?

The target audience leisure tourist who like to visit cities and feel the ambiance and vibe of the city. The advertisement also features various leisure activities that can be done in the city from swimming to picnics in the park. It also boasts its acessibility by featuring busses and explaining how everything is a close walk away. It also uses english so it can be understood by a global audience.  The advertisement aswell has alot of humor which again creates this attractive cheerful atmosphere.

It may also appeal to people whom are wanting to move to a city by featuring a resident as the main character audience can know what its like to live in oslo and reflect with the character.

What images were used to apeal to the target audience?

As the audience are leisure tourist and possible migraters it shows various leisurely activities predominantly swimming and picnics which could creat calming sensations and fun ofcourse. It also features cafes and laid back sit down restaurants with delicious food. As well as art museams with art peices such as paintings and intresting statues. 

Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?

This advert subverts the normal way as it actively berates  the city of Oslo with psudeo-critisms which are on the surface critisms but actually are great things. The narator/character keeps going on about how ecentric and wierd Oslo is compared to other cities such as Istanbul and New York but these diffrences actualy makes the city great from ease of accessbility to the close knit community. 

What sounds/ music were used to appeal to the target audience?

The advertisement lacks music which means the actual sound sof the city can be heard from people cheering and swimming to birds chirping to a busy cafe which again immerses the audience and lets them be able to feel whats it's like to live in Oslo.

What people were shown?

The advertisment primarily shows a 31 year old Oslo resident who actively critisises the city for being too good.  It also features eccentric people jumping into pools and having fun which again emphasizes the unique character of Oslo.

What message was presented in the advert?

The message is presented in a quite humourous manner where an oslo resident is repeatedly making fun of it but that message is too make people visit Oslo to be apart of its eccentric atmossphere and unique character.

Target audience and How are they targeted?

The target audience are people whom are looking for an escape in nature. this is apealed to by featuring great snow peaked mountains among other stunning landscapes, wondeful bison and a variety of activities such as dog skiing, hiking and ice climbing.

What images were used to apeal to the target audience?

It uses beatiful images of stars and nature which is appealing to the target audience as this is what their searching for. It also shows the various activities that can be done in Montana which can inspire the audience to try new things such as dog skiing.

Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?

The advert conforms to the norm as it is able to promote Montana by showing its beauty and its main attractions withough subverting the audiences expectation of Montana or a advertisment about a mostly natural attraction.

What sounds/ music were used to appeal to the target audience?

There is a soft slow relaxing piano forward song which emphasizes the relaxation and zen one might find in Montana. The narator aswell has a sooting voice asking deep rethorical questions which can be answered in Montana.

What message was presented in the advert?

Escape the norm of everday life. The rush and repititiveness of work and take a nice healing relaxing trip to Montana to reconnect with nature.

Target audience and How are they targeted?

The target audience are thrill seekers and horror enthusiasts they use erie music and dark dim lighting as well as interviews of people who have experienced paranormal activity to intrigue the audience.

What images were used to apeal to the target audience?

Firstly they used dark and dim lighting to make it more mysterious as it is harder to see in the dark. They show old buildings that have hvarious items of note clutered around the building this may be in refrence of how ghosts are ussually attracted to objects and old buildings. They have pov shots lit with a flash light that immerse teh audience into the act of ghost hunting.

Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?

This advertisement conforms to the expectation of a horror documentary trailer as it has scary visuals eirie music and  sound effects like children laughing and doors creaking which combined with the dark lighting creates a teryfying atmosphere.

What sounds/ music were used to appeal to the target audience?

The music uses creepy music which involve pianos and sound effects like creaking and children laughing as well as the dialougue present was said in a fearful more hush tone as to not call out the spirits this all ads to the uneasy feeling.

What message was presented in the advert?

Come watch this documentary and see if we can find ghosts and figure out whats going on or rather the undeparted is out there somewhere

Establishing shot 0.00

The advert opens with an establishing shot that opens into a pristine beach with crystal clear waters and lush greenary from cononut trees and other tropical flora. This establishing shot is used to introduce the destination to the audience and give them expectations and ideas of what El Nido is like. This makes the audience have a sense of time, place, and space. This shows the destination in a good light as it showcases El Nidos natural beauty.

Extreme Long shot 0.07

An extreme long shot is used to show an endless, untouched beach, the crystal clear waters and the natural costal forest and hills. This is used to highlight the vast pristine landscape showing all of it in one frame giving the audience a big picture view. This is important as it shows that there is a large amount of landscape to be explored by the audience making this advertisment more attractive. This makes the audience feel small compared to the vast natural beauty which make sound bad but it is positive as it means there is more to see and explore. This extreme long shot also shows the destination in a good light by highlighting its pristine white beaches.

Long shot 0.23

This long shot is shows the movement of traditional boats crossing in between two tall rock island. This long shot is used to highlight the movement of the boats and the rocky lush green landscape. This shot is important as it shows an leisurely activity which may be attractive to the target audience of this comercial. This immerses the audience into the boat ride as they are given an idea of what its like. This long shot again shows the destination in a good light.


Research helped me figure out conventions of travel advertisments and media texts sharing our genre, this helped as a basis on what to add and have in our video. I aswell devleoped the skills on how to identify what type of technical element is used and analyse and infer the meaning and the reason of why it's used. There is a problem with my device and or software that dosent allow me to be able to upload images to blogger.

My Team

 This is My Team for the tourism ad project.


Self Reflection:

Overall I feel quite overjoyed about my teamates but we did bash heads at a few moments and i do have a few comments to make about them and for a considerable amount of time they were unavalible due to sports events.
Firstly Maha though atfirst he assured us that he could edit the video well and properly in reality he was quite mediocre and quite oblivious to deadlines. He was also unavalible to shoot at certain days and may even skip a few classes to do somthing he called "tanding". Though he was helpful is providing comradery emotional support, and aswell a tripod which came especially usefull when shooting.
Secondly Candra, He was the actor in the video overall he was ok very representative of the local we were trying to depict although during the shooting his voice was a bit robotic. In discussions candra was also very active giving good ideas and feedback.
Lastly Panji the so called self proclaimed "cameraman" at first I expected him to know his way around a camera but in reality he would've failed an exam about photography as well he was very insecure about his camera work any mention of an actually photography hobbiest would've broken his heart in the most non satisfactory way. An anaecdote of this so called professionalism was when we were first recording our interview and spent tens of minutes trying to find the button to record which made me very dissapointed as i was still under the idea that panji knew what he was doing and it wasnt until we called our firend who was very knowledge able that we figured it out. At various times we did argue especially about the first recording which i was insiting didnt look good but his hard head was conviced it was good it was not only that i told him to check it on his laptop did he finnaly agree with me. This showed me that he lacked passion which again i found odd especially since he was boasting about his "camera work" and his "experience". In terms of equipment he did offer to use his "gimbal" although at the end we did not use it so at the end it was a waste. Too bad. He was aswell getting in fierce stupid arguments with teamates to the point where we got very emotional and this had a negative for our group chemistery and our teamwork. He also made executive decisions to outsource editing which caused massive confusion and outcry as we did not agree to do so.   But at the end of the day he was a nessecity in our groups success particaly cause he was our only option and we are forever grateful. He was also vital in the creation and discussion of ideas and scenes.

Weekly progress + Plan

 This is my weekly progress + plan for the ad project 

Week Start DateTask Blogpost TitleContent
22 July
29 July
Pre Production
1BriefDescription of the brief, embed powerpointW2
2Plan & Weekly ProgressPlan for the whole project, Weekly diaryW2
3Team Your team + Links ot their blogsW2
4ResearchResearch into documentary openings of the same genre W4
5 August
5Statement of IntentPlan for the productW4
6StoryboardScene by scene storyboardW5
7Location Scout & Risk AssessmentPossible shooting locations, risk assessment tableW5
12 August
19 August
8Behind the ScenesImages of the shootW8
26 August
2 September
Post Production
10Editing ProcessHow did you edit? Challenges, solutionsW9
11Self ReflectionSelf Reflection PresentationW9
9 September
16 September
12Final Final adW9

Week: 2

This week we learnt about genres and this can help me be able to create media text that can conform or subvert the audience expectations of the genres.

We also learned about semiotics which well help us be able to create messaging that will connect to the audience

I cannot put yt videos on my blog probably a connection issue will try to fix at home.

Week: 3

This week we learnt about the diffrent types of camera shots and their effect this will help us choose the right camera shot to be able to better encode our messages into our Tourism Ad.

My team and I also have done the statement of intent highlighting our plan for the Tourism Ad Project.

I have aswell analysed more advertisements and trailers that are targeted to my target audiences which give me inspiration and teach my how to reach my target audience.

Week: 4

In this week we mainly learnt about camera angles and sounds and their effect this will help us choose the right soundtrack and camera angles for project ad so we can enhance our horror erie atmosphere.

Me and my team have also done the location scout and risk assesment and we've begun writing the scipt although for the most part my team abbandoned me in pursuit of sports.

Week: 5

In this week we learnt about mise en scene and editting, this welp us create smooth transitions between our scnenes and prepare our sets and color and lighting to create the spooky atmosphere we are looking to create in our add

We began doing our film schedule.

To do:
start shooting
Create classwork 
refine Blog


In this week, we learnt about Steve Neales and David Buckingham genre theory and we will apply to this to our project by being able to conform enough to our genre of tourism add but adding our twist of horror and cultural elements to make it intresting.

We began mostly finished shooting and now begining the editing proccess as well as refining our blogs and beginning the planning for the CCR.


In week 7 we learnt of 2 narrative theories which are Roland Barthes's and Levi Strauss'.
Roland Barthes thoery consisted of 5 narrative codes: hermeneutic, proairetic, semantic, symbolic and cultural codes.
and Levi Strauss's theory involves the idea of binary opposits such as bad vs good, Science vs nature.

In week seven we for the most part finished the editing process just some stuff needed refining and sharpenning and ccr progress is going well.


In week 8 I began creating reflections for our blog posts as well as finishing most of them. I also finished the poster for ccr4. This week feels overwheling as I had to cram alot of tasks into the last week I hope I can get it all done.


This diary helped me keep in track of the schedule see how far I shouldve progressed per week. it also lets me reflect on what ive learnt and done throughout the week.

Project Brief

 Here is the brief for my tourism ad project.


I was excited to be able to work with my fiends/teamates to be able to create a video together. My mind was rushing with grand ideas about the tourism ad project and I was happy that my idea/theme was chosen.

Filming schedule

This is my filming schedule for the compenent one .    Scene Date/Time Location People Props Equiptment Other 1 Monday 20/1/2025 greg's ...