This is my weekly progress + plan for the ad project
Week: 2
This week we learnt about genres and this can help me be able to create media text that can conform or subvert the audience expectations of the genres.
We also learned about semiotics which well help us be able to create messaging that will connect to the audience
I cannot put yt videos on my blog probably a connection issue will try to fix at home.
Week: 3
This week we learnt about the diffrent types of camera shots and their effect this will help us choose the right camera shot to be able to better encode our messages into our Tourism Ad.
My team and I also have done the statement of intent highlighting our plan for the Tourism Ad Project.
I have aswell analysed more advertisements and trailers that are targeted to my target audiences which give me inspiration and teach my how to reach my target audience.
Week: 4
In this week we mainly learnt about camera angles and sounds and their effect this will help us choose the right soundtrack and camera angles for project ad so we can enhance our horror erie atmosphere.
Me and my team have also done the location scout and risk assesment and we've begun writing the scipt although for the most part my team abbandoned me in pursuit of sports.
Week: 5
In this week we learnt about mise en scene and editting, this welp us create smooth transitions between our scnenes and prepare our sets and color and lighting to create the spooky atmosphere we are looking to create in our add
We began doing our film schedule.
To do:
start shooting
Create classwork
refine Blog
In this week, we learnt about Steve Neales and David Buckingham genre theory and we will apply to this to our project by being able to conform enough to our genre of tourism add but adding our twist of horror and cultural elements to make it intresting.
We began mostly finished shooting and now begining the editing proccess as well as refining our blogs and beginning the planning for the CCR.
In week 7 we learnt of 2 narrative theories which are Roland Barthes's and Levi Strauss'.
Roland Barthes thoery consisted of 5 narrative codes: hermeneutic, proairetic, semantic, symbolic and cultural codes.
and Levi Strauss's theory involves the idea of binary opposits such as bad vs good, Science vs nature.
In week seven we for the most part finished the editing process just some stuff needed refining and sharpenning and ccr progress is going well.
In week 8 I began creating reflections for our blog posts as well as finishing most of them. I also finished the poster for ccr4. This week feels overwheling as I had to cram alot of tasks into the last week I hope I can get it all done.
This diary helped me keep in track of the schedule see how far I shouldve progressed per week. it also lets me reflect on what ive learnt and done throughout the week.
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